Friday, December 1, 2006

Vegan Potato Corn Chowder, Experiment #1

Wednesday November 29, in Austin, Texas:
Billie and Meghan used a recipe and made vegan potato corn chowder. It was sort of an experiment, really. The recipe ended up being a bit on the bland side, but with a little faux chicken stock, some parsley (the king of all ingredients) and some hot sauce, it was pretty delish. Stew Johnson ate it...but we all know stew+anyfood=happy.

I think the move next time is to add: roasted corn (instead of frozen), roasted red peppers (instead of raw), and some poblano peppers.

Yesterday it was 64 degrees in nyc and 42 in austin.

Happy Souping...Texas Freezes.

PS: soup gang now has a myspace page as well.
Kill the Bad, Eat the Good

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Soups, bowls, and stuff...

Soup is the primary function of this blog right? well bowls are fun too, so heres two pics of the X dreams bowl, and some miso soup.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

No rules home fried potato/ vegetable soup....

Sunday night consisted of a couple bike rides, one to the local food Co-op, where organic ingredients were purchased, in order to make this kick ass medley of awesomeness. Marble rye was the soups sidekick. Ingredients are listed in one of the pics, but as far as a recipe, it was straight freestyle, and spiced the same way.

troubles are easier to take with soup, than without....

This tattoo is possibly the most gangster soup tattoo I have ever seen.(maybe the only one?). Meghan is clearly a dedicated soupster, she even posted a recipe from the other day in the comments part of the first actual Blog....
At any rate, the Holiday took some time away from souping it up, but we should have some nice pics this week, and possibly some recipes, so keep posted...maybe even a bowl pic or 2.