Friday, January 12, 2007

the king of all ingredients...

i officially have parsley (Pertoselinum crispum if you're into latin names for things) tattooed on my leg. Here is the worst picture ever of it.
Thanks to Jack Ryan, who is apprenticing at Southside tattoo in Austin for a kickass job!

Official Soup Gang Meeting on Saturday. Watch the site for details.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I-10 soup party

Driving along Interstate 10 west of Houston, limited budget, a can of no chicken noodle" soup by Amy's. a p-38 can opener on hand, and a town of about 1000, and there I am, a solo soup party at a truck stop.
The more things change, the more they stay the same....-crandall

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

News from the Midwest...

My good friend and soup-lover Nic Alarcon sent me a posting from Chicago today. He used to live in Austin and our pot-lucks and soup parties just aren't the same without him.

He says:

sick+cold+broke=creamy potato soup
chicago sucks right now.

THANKS NIC! and i hope the cold weather doesn't get to you!

If anyone has anything they want to contribute, please contact me or crandall and we will get on it!

In other news, i got a sprig of parsley tattooed on my leg. pictures soon!
god it feels good to be a gangsta.


THe inventor or Ramen Noodles passed away... Rest his soul.. From the Ladle to Grave, Soup Gang Represent!